Football Friday: Who Has the Most Loyal Fans?
It's almost impossible to live in the State of Alabama and not take part in some sort of sports rivalry, whether you actually attend a game or not.
There are two mascots for which I will ALWAYS cheer: the Aliceville Yellow Jackets and the Stillman Tigers! It doesn't matter the sport or the competing team. (Oh, and I already put in to be off for Homecoming. If you've been to an Aliceville Homecoming in the past few years, you already know.)
I can remember anticipating certain games. Some rivalries were bigger than others, and many have changed over the years; but when you're down for your team, you're down for your team!
There are some pretty big games tonight. Which team has the most loyal fans? In the comments, state your team!
Don't forget Captain Ray gives us the scores from West Alabama's biggest high school football games in the High School Scoreboard beginning at 9 p.m.
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