Tuscaloosa Pastor of the Week: Pastor Darryl Gay

Praise 93.3 & 790 WTSK salutes our Tuscaloosa Pastor of the Week Pastor Darryl Gay of The Tabernacle Church of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The Tabernacle of Tuscaloosa was established in April 1999 under the direction of Bishop T.D. Jakes Sr. of The Potter's House of Dallas, Texas. The church was started in obedience to the voice of God with a few members in the living room of Apostle Darryl L. Gay and the late Prophetess Elaine Martin Gay. Through prayer and evangelism, the Church has grown over the years to become a significant spiritual voice in the city.
Darryl Gay was raised in church, had a praying mother who was anointed of God and operated in the miraculous, and served in many roles as a child and young adult, but it wasn't until 1988 that he made Jesus Christ his personal Lord and Savior. During the next four years he grew in the Word, with the Holy Spirit bringing to life all the scriptures that he had read as a child and young adult. In 1992 this vessel of the Lord accepted his calling into the ministry as a Teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Earlier that year Darryl met and married the woman of his prayers and dreams, Elaine. Elaine already had accepted the call of the Lord on her life, and she was very instrumental with getting Darryl out of his comfort zone. During this time Darryl and Elaine met Apostle Danny Thomas. At that point the Holy Spirit started dealing with Darryl greatly and he began to accept the ministry gift of the Apostle, Prophet and Evangelist and he began to start ministering under the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
In 1993, he graduated from the University of Alabama with a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematical Statistics with a minor in Computer Science. His determination to excel in His walk with the Lord catapulted him a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit continued teaching him and in 1995 Darryl accepted the calling to the ministry gift of the Pastor and started having Bible study in his home along with his wife, Elaine. In April 1998, Darryl and Elaine started and incorporated Abundant Life Tabernacle of Faith Church with assistance from T.D. Jakes Ministries. In the last four years the Church has become an interdenominational, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural establishment where people lives are being radically changed by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Ghost.
Pastor Darryl has been ministering to men through street ministry as well as Jail/Prison ministry for several years. The Lord has really used this avenue to deliver and bless many men lives. The Holy Spirit impressed upon Pastor to start "ManTalk", a mobile ministry where he deals with controversial men issues and provide practical answers. The Lord has anointed this man of God greatly with apostolic order and prophetic utterance and he is being sought by many for an end time revelation of what the Lord is saying and doing in the earth realm. Through the divine providence of God His servant has become a great motivational speaker and a wonderful encourager. This powerful anointed vessel of the Lord has only begun in his quest to be all that the Lord has created him to be.
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