Acknowledging The Holy Spirit.
One of the greatest problems in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ today is that God's people do not have a greater revelation of the reality of the Person of the Holy Spirit. Because of this much of the ministry that is being done is in the flesh; much of the worship that is being done is in the flesh; and much of the preaching that is being done is in the flesh.

To worship without the Holy Spirit is a waste of time; to pray without Him is a waste of time; and to read the Bible without Him is a waste of time. In fact, to do anything before God without the Person of the Holy Spirit is nothing more than dead works!
How easy it is to fall into a trap, thinking we must follow certain man-made rituals or traditions. We go about our daily schedule doing all the things that are right in the eyes of man, but we do not invite the Holy Spirit to pray with us, counsel us, lead and guide us, and conform us into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God's precious people desire to be used of Him, but they do not realize that Jesus promised to send the Comforter to help them do this. Unless they get a revelation of the reality of the Person of the Holy Spirit, they will wander aimlessly through life, attempting to serve God in the flesh. They will try to walk in victory and authority and they will try to see the supernatural occur in their daily lives; yet they will fall short every time because they do not acknowledge the Person of the Holy Spirit.