What God’s Word Says About You
People often ask me about studying the Bible. Although I have many suggestions, here is the one I present above all others everywhere I go.

As a Christian, as a believer, read through the New Testament, primarily the Epistles.The Epistles you see, are the letters written to you the believer. They are written to the church. As you read, look for all expressions such as, "in Christ," "in Him," :in Whom," "through whom,". In your study you will find 140 such expressions, most of them in the Epistle. Some of these, however, don't exactly tell you something you have "in Christ."
You will find other scriptures which convey the same message, but do not use the specific phrases, " Him." Yet they tell you who you are, or what you are or what you have, because you are "in Christ."
When you find these scriptures, write them down. Then mediate on them. Begin to confess them. Begin to say with your mouth, "This is who I am, and this is what I am, and this is what I have, in Christ."