Having The Spirit Of Feeling Poor . . .Psalm 86:1
In one way or another, we call all relate to (Psalm 86:1) where David says, "I am poor and needy." Even the richest among us should understand that poverty and need relate more to the spirit than to the wallet.
Psalm 86 tells us that the help God provides is not measured by a monetary ledger sheet. When we acknowledge that we are poor and needy, it's not so God will lavish material riches upon us. No, we do so to open the door to other, more valuable treasures.
Here's what God does for the poor and needy. He will "preserve" our lives and "save" all those who trust in Him. He will be "merciful" and "ready" to forgive".He will listen to and answer prayer. However we are not to take God's blessings without giving back. We have a responsibility to learn God's ways, walk in His truth, "fear God's name," praise the Lord, and "glorify His name".
Do you consider yourself among the "poor and needy"? If so, welcome to the club. Let's not forget all the spiritual blessings God has for us and the godly response we should have toward His generosity. The poorest man is he whose only wealth is money.