Tuscaloosa…What is Palm Sunday?
Palm Sunday will be celebrated Sunday April 10th across the nation in many various religious groups and churches across the globe. The holiday normally kicks off the start to the traditional Holy Week which concludes with Easter Sunday. As a child I would wonder why we would have palm branches and bring them to church and wave them in the sanctuary. Well, I am an adult now, and now I know what the holiday is and why we celebrate.
Some 2,000 years ago, traditionally known as Palm Sunday, the long-anticipated Messiah approached the city of Jerusalem with the disciples. The crowd shouted with joy and welcomed Jesus as their king as He rode on a donkey (Mark 11:1–11). The people waved palm branches and laid them at his feet as he rode through and the people shouted "Hosanna".
However, Jesus’ emotional reaction was the opposite of that of the crowd and His disciples. He cried for the city (Luke 19:41), knowing that Jerusalem did not recognize the king of Kings (vv. 41–44; Matthew 23:37–38). The temple was no longer fulfilling its function of drawing people close to God, leading Jesus to cleanse it the following day (Mark 11:15–19), and subsequently to predict its destruction (13:1–2). The temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE.
Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, in Christianity is the first day of Holy Week and the Sunday before Easter. Many Christians wear red or purple to celebrate the day. In my experience, Palm Sunday is the first day that leads to the ultimate death of Jesus Christ.
We wave palm branches but what do they represent? The palm branch represents goodness and victory and was symbolic of the final victory Jesus would soon fulfill over death and he gave us the VICTORY!
Celebrate this Holy Week and start by celebrating Jesus entry into your life and know that you have the VICTORY by waving your palm branch.
Sunrises from Around the World
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