Thanksgiving Day 2022
Thanksgiving Day 2022
For many, Thanksgiving Day is arguably the best holiday of the year. Perhaps it is the food, eating your weight in the best turkey recipes, Grandma's stuffing recipes, and the best Thanksgiving pies! Menu aside, this November holiday is deeply rooted in spending time with family, and above all else, gratitude, making this special day the perfect opportunity to move into a more reflective mindset. So after you have said a Thanksgiving prayer over the food, consider ending the day with a few meaningful Thanksgiving Bible verses.
Whether shared around the dinner table or around the fire, Bible verses about Thanksgiving and gratitude are perfect for sharing with you loved ones as a reminder of their many blessings. Factually, the Bible is filled with verses about gratitude that can encourage all of us to have Thanksgiving in our hears all year-round, not just simply on Thanksgiving Day. It is a good idea to read through Thanksgiving quotes, Psalms, or even poems that highlight why we celebrate Thanksgiving.

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