Psalm 88 is one of the saddest passages in the Bible. The writer cries out in despair in the midst of unrelieved suffering. Apparently he was an afflicted saint who had been shut in by God and was enduring a dark period in his life. Because his prayers for deliverance were not answered immediately, he exclaimed, "Lord, why do You cast off my soul? Why do You hide Your face from me? I have been afflicted and ready to die." He had lost sight temporarily of an all-important fact: God is in control of our lives, and in His own good time He gives release.

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Ivan Panin was hired to work on a farm. One of his duties was to care for hundreds of little chicks. Every night he would round them up and shut them in a coop so they could not get out. They would resist his efforts by pecking at the small windows of their enclosure. Panin said that while he would rather let the chicks run free, he knew they had to be kept inside to protect them from weasels and other animals. Of course, he would later release then, but only when it was safe to do so.

Often when we are confined in some way, we struggle frantically to escape. But the gracious Heavenly Father, who watches over His own with loving concern, allows the restriction to continue for good reason. He sees the past, the present, and the future and knows exactly what we need.

Group Of Young Friends Enjoying Meal In Outdoor Restaurant Laughing

Have you been set aside for a while? Trust God to help you endure. His timing is always right. Someday you will experience a joyous release.

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