Prayer affects places, times, occasion, and circumstances. It has to do with God and with everything that is related to God. It has an intimate and special relationship to His house. A church should be a sacred place, set apart from all unhallowed and secular uses, for the worship of God. As worship is prayer, the house of God in a place set apart for worship. It is no common place. It is where God dwells, where He meets with His people, and where He delights in the worship of His saints.

Prayer is always proper in the house of God. When prayer is a stranger there, it ceases to be God's house at all. He makes prayer preeminent above all else in the house of God. Those who sidetrack prayer or seek to minimize it pervert the church of God and make it something less than it is ordained to be.. Prayer is perfectly at home in the house of God. It is no stranger, no mere guest; it belongs there. It has a peculiar affinity for the place. It has a divine appointment to be there.
The inner chamber is a sacred place for personal worship. The house of God is a holy place for united worship. The prayer closet is for individual prayer.. The house of God is for mutual, united prayer. Yet even in the house of God, there is the element of private worship. God's people are to worship Him and pray to Him, personally, even in public worship. The church is for the united prayer of kindred, yet individual, believers.
With prayer the house of God becomes a divine sanctuary. So the tabernacle, moving about from place to place, became the Holy of Ho lies, because God and prayer were there.