Health Heroes will offer flu immunizations on November 4, 2020 at 8 a.m. to all students who return the parental consent form. This form that has already been distributed by your child's school,and should be returned by November 1. Virtual students will also have this opportunity. Health Heroes is a Community Immunizer whose affiliates have provided over 500,000 vaccinations to students in multiple states' school systems since 2011.
This opportunity is also available to students of virtual learning. Students must go to one of the following schools at 8 a.m. to obtain their flu shot. These are the only sites available to offer immunizations to virtual students:
- Arcadia Elementary, 3740 Arcadia Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
- Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary, 2429 MLK Jr. Blvd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
- Rock Quarry Elementary, 2000 Rock Quarry Drive.Tuscaloosa, AL 35406
- The Alberta School of Performing Arts, 2700 University Blvd E Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
- University Place Elementary, 2000 First Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
- Verner Elementary, 2701 Northridge Road, Tuscaloosa, AL 3540
Parents of virtual students are asked to complete the following steps:
- Register your child indicating the location that you wish for your child to participate.
- Notify your child's school nurse of which school that you plan for your child to attend in order to receive their flu immunization that morning.
- Contact your child's school nurse to pick up the parental consent form prior to arriving at the immunization location that you choose for that day or download the form at the TCS website or the parentlink.net site.
- Bring your child and the signed consent form to the location of your choice on the Morning of November 4th by 8 a.m.
The sign-up process should be completed no later than November 1, 2020.
Source: Tuscaloosa City Schools Information Contact: Lesley Bruinton, APR Public Relations Director
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