Did Any West Alabama Cites Make the Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Alabama?
It’s important to feel safe in your home and surrounding areas. Earlier this month, I gave you the Top 20 safest cities in Alabama. Now, you can stop guessing what cities are the most dangerous in Alabama.

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The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) has created Alabama’s Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. list. You might be surprised at a few of the cities. I know I was for sure.
Most Dangerous Cities in Alabama
Find out if your city made the 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Alabama list.
Top 20 Safest Alabama Cities
Take time to find out where your city ranks on the safest Alabama cities list.
Why You’re Lucky to Live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Tuscaloosa isn’t THAT bad of a place to live. Here’s why you’re actually lucky to live in the City of Champions.
10 Commandments of Living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
The ULTIMATE List of Alabama Day Trips
Gas up the car, and let’s hit the road because it’s “Day Trip” season.
Downright Unbelievable Quirky Alabama Town Names
Have You Heard of these Quirky Alabama Towns? Some are Downright Unbelievable.
Famous Alabamians from A to Z (Almost)
Check Out these Famous People with Alabama Roots, from A to Z (Almost)
Tuscaloosa, Alabama Worst Intersections
The 12 Absolute WORST Parking Lots in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
From disrespectful parkers to terrible parking lots, here are the worst places to leave your car in Tuscaloosa.