All too often, we hear stories of pastors who live lives of luxury at the expense of their parishioners (never taking into account the number of books they may have written or investments they may have made that yielded a return), of magnificent church structures where "certain people" aren't welcome, and memberships being revoked for various reasons. Rarely do we hear stories like this one, where a church gave a stranger over $1,000!

According to The Washington Post, the Sycamore Creek Church in Pickerington, Ohio ordered a pizza during a service. When the driver made the delivery, the pastor brought her to the front of the church and asked her the biggest tip she'd ever received. When she said about $10, Rev. Steve Markle told her that the congregation had taken up an offering for her, as the series they'd been on was about being generous, entitled "I Was Broke. Now I'm Not."

Over $1,000 richer, the driver broke into tears upon receiving her tip. Sooooo, understandable. Here's one instance where the church saw it better to give than to be on the receiving end. With that being said, who ate the pizza?

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