You’ve Got the Floor: Time to Regain Control of Our Community and Our Money
WTUG and WTSK have a long-standing history in community involvement. We are very interested in sharing the thoughts of area residents and community leaders. Anyone with ideas to share is encouraged to email your article/letter to jade.nicole@townsquaremedia.com, or upload it using the Feedback option on WTUG.com.
The following is a submission from Howard Lanier III:
Growing up, I always wanted to own my own business. I saw Black men in our neighborhood supplied our community with their needs except for those Black men were willing to sell out. They'd put a business in their names when in truth it belonged to someone other than a person of color.
Things are not much different today. It is said that there are some groups operating under the guise of minority ownership, and they are purchasing property in mostly Black areas of Tuscaloosa. There's nothing wrong with property ownership, but the deception comes in by the name under which they operate.
It is amazing how just having the right name creates a perception that gives a major boost in power of persuasion. Area residents may believe an entity has their best interests at heart, but in all actuality, it's just a ploy to make financial gain from an under-served and usually under-educated population.
It's time for people to open businesses in their own communities and create jobs that ensure those in the community reap the benefits of the business. As I look around, everything from the food we eat (i.e. Stacy's, Winston's, etc.) to the clothes we wear are dictated by someone that is not of our ethnic background or culture. They have no idea what is good for us, and this doesn't seem to bother anyone!
Now is the time for us to form our own groups and invest in our own communities, control our own dollar instead of being complacent with allowing someone else to take responsibility for the well-being of our lives. The time for talking is over. Let's make some moves!
What are your thoughts?
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