Yes, I Went to My Cousins’ Reunion!
Have you ever gone to a family reunion and one of your cousins brought along an unrelated friend who then commenced to try to holler at somebody in the family. Well, this weekend, I was that unrelated friend!
All day Friday, I teased that I would be crashing a family reunion. Here's how that actually went:
My aunt, uncle, their children and grandchildren attended a family reunion in Tuscaloosa. My uncle is my grandmother's brother. It was his wife's family reunion. However, our families have been so close growing up that they actually consider us as family. I'd been joking with my real cousins that I was going to come and check out their cousins who aren't related to me. I honestly had no intention of going, as I knew I had a full weekend. I planned to stop by to see everybody, but I wasn't going to stick around. HOWEVER, I received a call asking where we were late Saturday night. So, I went to hang out with my cousins.... Until one of their cousins decided to use his lighter to start a fire in the fire pit. I wasn't sticking around to be blown up.
I did some work Sunday morning while watching my church's stream. Afterwards, I received another call, asking where I was. They really expected me to crash the reunion!
So, my daughter and I got with other family members and headed to the park. We greeted everyone and then went to the playground.
No, we didn't eat. And no, I didn't flirt with any of my cousins' cousins. But I did have a good time! I can't wait for their next reunion in Memphis 2019! (Oh yeah, I'm going!)