WOW! Incredible Video Of Plane Crashing Into Smith Lake, Alabama

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Talk about having a story to tell!
We were out at Smith Lake Saturday, And we look up and a plane is going down right in front of us.
Well, it actually happened!
Even more important we have video!
The Cullman Daily posted on Facebook.
Cullman Daily plane crash
"JUST NOW: A plane has landed on Smith Lake in front of Major Miller’s.
Currently, we cannot confirm if it was an emergency landing, but the plane does not appear to be built for water according to sources. We will post more updates at it becomes available."
Everyone was shocked.
Amanda Sutter
Watched it happen, the pilot did a great job not hitting any boats and thankful for a big body of water for them to land in..
Carol Bryan
Smith Lake is haunted, there is 10' trees under the lake...,, so many ppl under there they never have found. You could not pay me to get in the water or in a boat ...... bad lake !!!!!
Not sure if it's haunted or not?
But the video is wild! Here is a screenshot as the plane hits the water.
The plane was brought to shore and no lives were lost.
One passenger had minor injuries and most importantly no one lost their life.
The Cullman Daily posted on Facebook.
"WATCH THIS: Here’s footage from Smith Lake earlier today, as a plane was conducted what was reported as an emergency landing into the water due to a nearby storm.
Only a minor injury was reported. The plane is a seaplane and took off from the water prior to conducted the abrupt landing."
What an incredible video!
Lynn Goffrier Sanders said.
"I believe that pilot did a wonderful landing in the amount of time and thoughtful process of conditions he had to deal with. Well done!"
I agree!