There are times in our lives when our peace is based on our own ignorance. But when we are awakened to the realities of life, true inner peace is simply impossible unless it it is received from Jesus. When the Lord speaks peace, He creates peace, because the words that He speaks are always "spirit, and they are are life (John 6:63).

Are you severely troubled at this moment? Are you afraid and confused by the waves that God sovereignty allows to enter your life? Have you left no stone of your faith turned, yet still not found any well of peace, joy, or comfort? Does your life appear completely barren to you? Then I suggest that you look up and receive the quiet contentment of the Lord. Reflecting his peace is proof that you are right with God, because you are showing the freedom to turn your mind to Him. If you find that you are not right with God, you can never turn your mind anywhere but on yourself. Allowing anything to obscure the face of Christ from you either causes you to become troubled or gives you a false sense of security.

Many times we become troubled because we have not been taking Him into consideration. When a person confers with Jesus, the confusion stops, simply because there is no confusion in Him. Place all the cards of your life on the table, and when you are faced with difficulty, bereavement, and sorrow, listen to Him say, "Let not your heart be troubled . . . (John 14:27).


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