Have All Tuscaloosa Residents Received The COVID-19 Vaccine?Have All Tuscaloosa Residents Received The COVID-19 Vaccine?Wearing masks and social distancing help reduce our chances of be exposed to the dreaded virus or perhaps spreading it to others.Brother JBrother J
Are There Benefits to Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine?Are There Benefits to Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine?Wearing masks and social distancing help reduce our chances of be exposed to the dreaded virus or perhaps spreading it to others.Brother JBrother J
COVID-19 Registration AppointmentsCOVID-19 Registration AppointmentsGetting the vaccine not only helps protect you, but also those around you who are not yet eligible to get the vaccine or are in the at-risk group.Brother JBrother J
Why Do We Need to Be Vaccinated?Why Do We Need to Be Vaccinated?In an effort to increase the number of persons getting the vaccine, there will be registration Pop-Up sites around the county.Brother JBrother J