10 Reasons Why the Hurricanes will NOT Beat the Tuscaloosa, Alabama Crimson Tide
As the football season kicks off, so does the smack talking. Honestly, I love it. I’ve heard that trash-talking from fans can either get players off their game or fuel their passion for winning. Either way, I love the entire comedy show of it all.

This week the Crimson Tide takes on the University of Miami on Saturday, September 4, 2021. So far, we have had a Hurricane fan conjure up a rap diss. A Georgia fan felt the need to redo one of our beloved stadium songs. Then to top it all off, the Gators really think they will beat Bama in a few weeks. All I got to say is ... "come harder."
Hear this loud and clear, Miami fans. I know you have been bitter since 1992. It’s not a good look on you. Here are the reasons why the hurricanes will NOT beat Bama.
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