Real Change in 2020
Would you give 20 minutes a day to lose weight? To get in shape? To complete your degree? To learn another language? To learn a musical instrument?
Would you dedicate 20 minutes each day (with a half-hour on Saturday) to change your entire life? Twenty minutes a day is all it takes the average reader to read four chapters of God's Word - less than 5 minutes for a typical chapter. By spending 20 minutes a day, you can cover the entire Bible in one year!
The 2020 Bible-reading schedule is something different. To get ones heart in a worship mode for the Lord's Day, we will read from the Psalms each Sunday. Then Monday through Friday, we will move steadily through the Old Testament, with a few verses of wisdom from the Proverbs sprinkled in each day to renew our minds. On Saturday, we will read from the New Testament, as well as another dash of the Proverbs.
To make better use of your weekends, the Saturday reading are lengthier. But isn't it encouraging to realize that you can read the entire New Testament in one year - just reading it one day a week! If Saturday is a busy time for you, consider adjusting the Bible-reading plan to accommodate your work schedule.
Honest commitment is difficult. But 20 minutes a day? That is relatively easy! In this year let's read through God's Word together for real change in our lives.