If there is one food that I can eat any day of the week, and any time of day, it's pizza.

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When I first moved to Tuscaloosa, I hit up one of my favorite chain pizza restaurants but couldn't help but wonder what other pizza places Tuscaloosa had to offer.

It would seem that my son has picked up on his father's ways because it doesn't matter what time of day it is, when I ask him what he wants to eat, more than likely his reply is "Pizzaaaa!"

Pizza in Tuscaloosa is a valuable food item.

Think about it.

If you want to be lazy and not barbecue at one of the many tailgate parties you attend, pizza would be the perfect alternative.

At a University of Alabama baseball game? Grab a slice of pizza and enjoy the Crimson Tide beating their opponent.

Headed to the Coleman Coliseum and need a quick bite to eat? You guessed it.


Since it's such an essential part of the Tuscaloosa experience, why not find out the top pizza spots in the city?

I've done some digging, since I would love to know myself, and I've found the top 5 pizza spots in Tuscaloosa according to ratings from Yelp. 

Tuscaloosa's Top 5 Pizza Spots

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