Free COVID-19 Tests offered to the Community. This activity is sponsored by the Skyland 7th Day Adventist Church. Testing will be provided by the American Medical Screening, Inc.
What you need to know:
Tests available while supplies last.
No appointment required.
There is NO COST for testing.
Driver's License/ State ID required.
Insurance information will be collected.
Licensed Alabama doctors and nurses will collect swabs for those tested.
Test results will be provided confidentially to everyone.
Location: Skyland 7th Day Adventist Church
Address: 2211 Skyland Blvd., East, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405
Date: Sunday, October 18, 2020 Time: 12:00p - 4:00p
To protect yourself and our healthcare workers, please:
- Wear a mask at all times;
- Tell the healthcare provider if you are having symptoms of COVID-19; and
- Stay in your car at all times.
To pre-register call: 205-826-0854. Pre-registration encouraged and will receive 1st priority.
Source: Skyland 7th Day Adventist Church Flyer and paper Announcement

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