Eloquent, Yet Very Humble
Eloquent, Yet Very Humble
I find myself admiring individuals who have the ability to articulate their beliefs and persuade others with their rhetoric. You can call it "the gift of gab" or "having a way with words."Others may call it "eloquence." Apollos possessed that gift. We are told that he was "an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures" (Acts 18:24). He taught accurately about Christ, he preached only of the baptism of John which was a baptism of repentance from sin (Acts 19:4).
Apollos knew thoroughly about Jesus' teachings but may not have known about His death and resurrection and that the Spirit had now come (Acts 2). His teaching was incomplete because he did not know about being filled with the Holy Spirit for daily empowerment. So we find that Priscilla and Aquila, a husband and wife who wee friends of Paul, invited Apollos into their home to correct his teaching. Apollos was highly educated and knew the Scriptures well. He humbly accepted their instruction. As a result, Apollos was able to continue his ministry, but with newfound understanding.
The Bible reminds us that God "guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way." (Psalm 25:9). If you have a spirit of humility, you can be taught by God and be used to touch the lives of others. The place of humility is the actual place of power.

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