Birmingham Pastor Makes His Opposition of Church of the Highlands Very Clear
The Church of the Highlands has been the topic of criticism in recent years for a variety of reasons.
Some people have a problem with the way parishioners receive their sermons. Others think there's an ulterior motive behind the friendliness and convenience of their services.
While many conversations have been held regarding the church, perhaps the most blatant opposition comes from, of all people, another pastor.
Michael Jordan, pastor of New Era Baptist Church in Birmingham, is VERY vocal in terms of how he feels about Church of the Highlands, as the marquee outside his church says "Black folks need to stay out of white churches" on one side and "White folks refused to be our neighbors" on the other.
Click here for the full story on why he feels this way.
Pastor Jordan's argument is understandable. Many others feel the same way. But is the way he stated his view acceptable? What are your thoughts?