Be Careful of Traveling During The COVID-19/Delta Variants.
Be Careful of Traveling During The COVID-19/Delta Variants.
With the number of people traveling again, you may not know where it is safe to travel. Primarily it depends upon if you have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. There are some things that you should consider if you plan to travel within the United States. If you are "fully vaccinated" means you have the most protection from your COVID-19 vaccine. There is an exception, though: If you have a weak immune system because of a health condition or a particular medication, ask your physician about precautions you should observe.You may be fully vaccinated, you will need to wear a mask when you travel on airplanes, buses, trains, or other type of public transportation. You will need to mask up in airports and other travel locations. Masks are required by the CDC, The TSA, and the U.S. Department of Transportation because there is a likely chance you could catch the virus, get sick from it, or even spread it to others. If you notice COVID-19 symptoms after you travel, please get tested for the virus and stay at home.
It is risky for you to travel within the United States if you have not gotten the vaccine. You are not considered "'fully vaccinated" until:
- Two weeks after your second dose of a two-dose vaccine, like Pfizer or Moderna
- Tow weeks after a single-dose vaccine, like Johnson& Johnson
Those of you who are not vaccinated are more likely to contract COVID-19 and spread it. That is why it is recommended that you delay trips until you are fully vaccinated. Also, find out ahead of time whether the place you are visiting has a quarantine requirements for when you arrive. Check with state or local health departments to learn more. After you return from your trip, you may require COVID-19 test within 3-5 days or self-quarantine. If you test positive or if you start to show symptoms, call your doctor and stay home so you do not spread the virus to others. Whether you receive a COVID-19 test or not, keep your distance from people who are at high risk of getting severely sick from COVID-19 for 14 days after you travel.