Baby Christians
I don't know how many of you have ever tasted baby food. It is simply without taste. However, babies don't have any choice, since they are toothless. These same babies cannot enjoy a nice, juicy steak!
Some Christians are satisfied with spiritual baby food. The are very happy to go over and over truths of the Scriptures and care to move beyond the basics of the gospel. By not moving into deeper truths and more difficult Bible passages, they lack biblical understanding and convictions to make the right decisions. Perhaps, they have Christians for many years, but their spiritual abilities remain underdeveloped. They remain babes in Christ. As children grow physically, they learn to eat solid food that gives them strength. In the same way, every believer should take the responsibility to feed themselves solid spiritual food. In failing to do this is to remain spiritually weak and undernourished.
You can tell the physical age of people by how they look. Their spiritual age is revealed by their ability to recognize good from evil and by their personal character that is displayed each day. Is this spiritual discernment present in your life? Or are you still on spiritual baby food?