Damon Houx

‘Independence Day 2′ Has Been Pushed to 2016
2015 is looking like the Nerd singularity, when we'll see such films as 'The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron,' 'Jurassic World,' 'The Fantastic Four,' 'Batman Vs. Superman,' 'Terminator 5,' 'Ant-Man,' the new James Bond, 'Warcraft' and 'Star Wars: Episode 7' all hitting the big screen. But one big title has decided to hold off until 2016: 'Independence Day 2.'

‘Lone Survivor’ Featurette: Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg Want to Honor Fallen Soldiers
Peter Berg's 'Lone Survivor' is hitting theaters right at the end of the year, which means it could very well be an Oscar spoiler. Mark Wahlberg stars alongside Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch and Ben Foster in this true-life story of a mission gone bad, and this new featurette talks to the man whose life story the film is based on.

Jamie Foxx May Play Martin Luther King Jr. For Oliver Stone
Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most important figures in twentieth century America, which makes it odd that he's yet to receive the cinematic bio-pic treatment. Now it looks like Oliver Stone will bring his story to the big screen, with 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' star Jamie Foxx playing the famous civil rights leader.
‘The Monuments Men’ Trailer: George Clooney and Matt Damon Fight Nazis, Preserve Cultures
It's hard to tell if George Clooney's new film 'The Monuments Men' will be an Oscar favorite even though it's being released in the midst of the prestige season. The latest trailer plays up the possibility that this could be a real contender, but one thing is for sure, it's got a great cast that includes Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett and John Goodman.

‘Foxcatcher’ Moves Out of Oscar Season Into 2014
A couple of hours ago the trailer for Bennett Miller's 'Foxcatcher' leaked online, and then was pulled. It seems there's a good reason for that. The film, which stars Steve Carell, Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo, is nowhere near finished and the picture has been delayed from December 20 into 2014 so Miller can finish editing the film.

Leonardo DiCaprio to Play Presidential in Biopic ‘Wilson’
Though Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the biggest movie stars in the world, he's yet to win an Oscar. It seems he wants one, as Warner Brothers has optioned a Woodrow Wilson biography for DiCaprio to produce and star in, likely in the hopes of netting him a gold statue.
Edgar Wright’s ‘Ant-Man’ Moves to Summer 2015
Though there's been no official casting announcements yet, Edgar Wright's 'Ant-Man' has moved up from its original release date of November 6, 2015 to July 31, 2015.

‘Star Wars: Episode 7′ News: Harrison Ford is Offered a Grand to Dish on the New Movie by Conan O’Brien
Though 'Star Wars: Episode 7' hasn't started casting yet, nor has Disney released much information about the upcoming sequel, that's not going to stop intrepid journalists from asking about it. Conan O'Brien interviewed Harrison Ford for his upcoming movie 'Paranoia,' and -- to get Ford to talk about it -- offered Ford a thousand dollars to tell him spoilers from 'Episode 7.'

‘Five Easy Pieces’ Star Karen Black Dead at 74
Karen Black, one of the most important actresses of the "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls"-era of American cinema has passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

‘Gravity’ Trailer: A One-Take Shot of Awesomeness
Our first reaction after watching this trailer: this is what 3D was made for.