Alabama Red Cross Readies Resources Ahead Of Rain
The American Red Cross is readying its workers and resources in preparation for the rain Tropical Depression Patricia is expected to drop across the region.
Alabama's Red Cross volunteers have been asked to update their availability to deploy should the need arise and Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicles and staff been placed on alert.
“We are part of the geographic network of Red Cross chapters who will be among the first called to help those in need if this hurricane results in extensive damage and flooding. We are leaning forward to be ready to respond quickly if needed,” said Alicia Anger, Regional Director of Communications and Marketing, Alabama Red Cross.
Alabamians are encouraged to help their friends and loved ones in the path of the storm be prepared by establishing their emergency communications plan now in the event phone lines and cell towers are effected. Emergency kits should be prepared with supplies for at least three days including food, water, medications, important documents, clothing, a crank radio, back-up chargers for phones, etc. Find a full list of supplies here.
For additional tips on how to stay safe before, during and after severe weather situations download the free Red Cross Emergency App here.