8 Things Jesus Never Said in Alabama
Throughout history, many sayings have been mistakenly attributed to Jesus, reflecting cultural beliefs more than His teachings. While these phrases might carry some wisdom or value, they don't accurately represent the words or teachings of Jesus Christ. Let's explore some popular sayings often associated with Jesus but that He never actually said.
1. "Follow Your Heart"
"Follow your heart" is a phrase often used to encourage people to pursue their dreams or passions. However, Jesus never instructed His followers to follow their own hearts. In fact, the Bible frequently warns against trusting in one's own heart because it can be deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). Instead, Jesus emphasized seeking God's will and following Him, not relying on personal desires or emotions that may lead us astray.
2. "Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness"
While cleanliness is certainly a good practice, this saying does not come from the Bible. Jesus was much more concerned with the purity of one's heart than with outward cleanliness. In Mark 7:18-23, He taught that it’s not what goes into a person that defiles them, but what comes out of their heart. His focus was on spiritual cleanliness, calling people to repentance and a transformation of the inner life.
3. "Speak Your Truth"
In today's culture, the phrase "speak your truth" is used to encourage authenticity and self-expression. However, Jesus did not speak of "your truth" or "my truth"—He spoke of **the** truth. In John 14:6, Jesus declared, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." For Him, truth was absolute, grounded in God's Word, not a relative concept varying from person to person. His call was to know and live by God's truth.
4. "Good People Go to Heaven"
Many people believe that being a "good person" is enough to earn a place in heaven. However, Jesus never taught that our good deeds are what save us. In fact, He emphasized that no one is good except God alone (Mark 10:18) and that salvation comes only through faith in Him (John 3:16). Jesus spoke of grace and the need for repentance, not moralism or self-righteousness.
5. "Do What Makes You Happy"
"Do what makes you happy" is a common modern mantra, but it is far from what Jesus taught. He did not come to make us happy according to worldly standards but to offer us life in its fullness (John 10:10). This often involves taking up our cross, denying ourselves, and following Him (Luke 9:23). Jesus taught that true joy comes from obedience to God and living according to His will, not merely pursuing personal happiness.
6. "Follow Me, and I'll Make You Rich"
The idea that Jesus promises wealth to His followers is a misinterpretation of His teachings. Jesus warned against the dangers of riches, teaching that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:25). His call was not to material prosperity but to spiritual riches—treasures stored up in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21).
7. "Love is Love"
While Jesus taught extensively about love, saying, "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31), He never reduced the concept of love to a mere sentiment. Jesus defined love in the context of obedience to God's commandments (John 14:15) and demonstrated it through self-sacrifice. His love was unconditional but also transformative, calling people to change their lives, not just affirm their desires.
8. "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"
This phrase is often thought to come from the Bible, but it does not. The concept that "God helps those who help themselves" suggests that we must earn God's favor through our efforts. However, Jesus taught that God helps those who cannot help themselves—He came to save the lost, the broken, and the helpless (Luke 19:10). The essence of the Gospel is not self-sufficiency but reliance on God's grace.
While these sayings might resonate with our culture or even contain a measure of practical wisdom, they don't align with the teachings of Jesus. He called His followers to a different standard—one rooted in love, humility, faith, and reliance on God rather than on human wisdom or effort. Understanding what Jesus really said helps us live more faithfully according to His example and teachings.
Alabama's 63-0 Win Over Western Kentucky
Gallery Credit: Wyatt Fulton