17% Increase in COVID Cases in Tuscaloosa County

Dr. Ramesh Peramsetty reports Tuscaloosa has a total number of 32,385 COVID cases with an increase of 189, and a total of 493 confirmed deaths. An average of 147 cases per day was reported in Tuscaloosa County, a 17% increase from the average two weeks ago. DCH has 138 COVID in-patients with 29 patients in the ICU. 18 patients are on ventilators.
Pfizer and Moderna are both still running large pediatric trials to study the effectiveness and safety of using their COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines for children under 12. Pfizer expects to release clinical trial data on how well its COVID-19 vaccine works in six months to 5-year-old children as early as the end of October. COVID vaccine data for kids between ages 5 and 11 will come much sooner, and may potentially be ready to be submitted to the FDA by the end of the month.
There are a lot of different factors that can explain why the virus affects each person differently, such as how healthy you are before being infected. For example, those who smoke or have lung disease or other high-risk factors have their immune and repair system dramatically impaired. Those who have weak immune systems are more likely to experience worse symptoms or more severe illnesses. This is why you can get different symptoms from COVID-19 than other people. Another factor is something called the viral load, which is a measurement of how much of the virus is in your body. The higher the virus load means the more severe the illness will be.
Dr. Peramsetty said his First Kids Urgent Care celebrates its grand opening at 9 am Thursday morning September 16th. Enjoy ribbon cutting and refreshments. The public is invited. The location is 1251 McFarland Boulevard NE Tuscaloosa.
info@firstkidsmd.com Or visit- www.crimsoncare.com
Listen to Q & A with Dr. Peramsetty HERE.
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