
HORROR: Alabama Woman Wakes Up To Copperhead Snake In Her Bed
HORROR: Alabama Woman Wakes Up To Copperhead Snake In Her Bed
HORROR: Alabama Woman Wakes Up To Copperhead Snake In Her Bed
This is the absolute worst story I have ever reported. I love Alabama. ROLL TIDE! Sweeeeeeeeeeeet HOME Alabama!!! However, what is with all the snake stories involving them inside with folks? This is enough of this stuff.
Highly Venomous Spider Crawls In Alabama Woman’s Ear
Highly Venomous Spider Crawls In Alabama Woman’s Ear
Highly Venomous Spider Crawls In Alabama Woman’s Ear
No, no, no, no, NO! This columnist could live the rest of my life without being made aware of another story about spiders. I know I'm not the only person living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama with a deep hatred of spiders (and many other critters) that I will never get over. Very few people love spiders.