
VIDEO: Tuscaloosa Haunted Home Featured On Paranormal TV Show
VIDEO: Tuscaloosa Haunted Home Featured On Paranormal TV Show
VIDEO: Tuscaloosa Haunted Home Featured On Paranormal TV Show
A family in Tuscaloosa County with a very spooky story is the subject of one of their investigations. The show deals with the Tuscaloosa-related investigation in season 1, episode 2. It started with a sound here and there or seeing things that weren't really in the house. This one hits really, really close to home.
What Is Alabama’s Favorite Halloween Candy?
What Is Alabama’s Favorite Halloween Candy?
What Is Alabama’s Favorite Halloween Candy?
HALLOWEEN IS ALMOST HERE ALABAMA! The National Retail Federation tracks the sales of candy, and other products, each year. So, what candy are we Alabama folks sucking, chewing and chomping on?

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