
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
What would you do if you saw a duck pacing back and forth and quacking nervously? (We'd probably be really confused -- what's a duck doing in our living room??) Fortunately, the police and animal control officers in the video above were able to make sense out of the situation, and rescue all of the duck's ducklings, which were trapped in a sewer.
10 Bizarre Animals That Are Secretly Cute
10 Bizarre Animals That Are Secretly Cute
10 Bizarre Animals That Are Secretly Cute
The next time a particular aspect of your own appearance gets you down -- like an expanding waistline, or a larger than normal nose -- remember what our mom used to say to us as children: "You could've been born as a star-nosed mole, or a blobfish. Now shut up and eat your tacos!" (Love ya, mom!)
These 13 Yawning Animals Could Be the Cutest Thing of All Time
These 13 Yawning Animals Could Be the Cutest Thing of All Time
These 13 Yawning Animals Could Be the Cutest Thing of All Time
Feeling a little sleepy? Is that fifth cup o’ joe not cutting it for you today? It’s OK, these animals know how you feel. Everyone hits that mid-afternoon (or mid-morning) slump sometimes, and furballs are no exception. We’re talking about the days where yawn attacks are never-ending, and we might’ve fallen asleep at our desk for a quick sec. It happens.