I was born and raised in Greene County, Alabama, and educated in the Greene County School System. I am a proud member of St. John Baptist Church in Clinton, AL, the husband of one wife, father of one son, and grandfather of two. For many years, I sang with The Golden Bells Singers. Brother A (as I'm affectionately called by radio listeners) started in radio in March 1970 with only one hour daily, working 7 days-a-week for many years. You can now hear me weekday mornings from 5am until 10am, where I'm still dedicated to helping people and to gospel music, which is the love of my life.
Brother A
Get Out And Vote
Well It;s that time again. It;s time to get out and vote today in the run-off elections. Just because you voted in the primary election you must go back to the polls and vote inn the run-off elections. The polls will open at 7am and close at 7pm,So if your person did not win before you have another chance to get them elected...
Hot Car Trial
Well I read where they are trying to pick a jury for the trial of a man they say left his child in a hot car to die.Well first of all I hope he didnt do that;But I would not want be on a jury that tries him.I dont want to be guilty of freeing a guilty man and I dont want to be part of letting a man go free who is guilty...
Wild; Wild; West
It seems like the city of Tuscaloosa has become a city where anything goes. It;s like the wild ; wild west when you can get shot down while pumping gasoline at a service station. What is so bad and scary it can happen anytime anywhere right here in good old Tuscaloosa...
The Montgomery Story
Will someone please explain to me why we are having so much choas in Montgomery; Ala? It seems Alabama is the laughing stock of the nation. Does;nt the governor know that just because you are governor you cant say and do what and when you want to...
Villanova Champs
Well even though I wanted North Carolina to win I give Villanova credit for a well played and hard fought game. It was a hard played game that could have gone either way.Both teams played hard enough to win, but North Carolina just could not pull it out in the end...
College Basketball
Well it;s all set for tonight right there on the big screen. It;s North Carolina taking on Vilonova for the crown in college basketball.It has been a long season; but it now down to this. I wish both teams well but I am pulling for North Carolina...
Alabama Basketball
Can anyone please tell me what is happening with Alabama basketball? I know we have a good coach in Coach Avery Johnson. I just understand why we have so much turn-over. It is bad enough to lose one player but I understand we are losing two...
Crime And Poltics
I dont know which one is worst right now crime or polotic/However you look at it. I dont know the answer to either but they are both in a sad state of mind. I dont know when we have had a presidental race like we are having today. It seems like anything goes...
Never Give Up
This is a word to the sick and shut-in and anyone listening or reading. So many times in life vwe face obstackles even though some are more devistating than others.If we can start every day on a positive note and say this is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it and live without fear...
Finald Four
Well it is down to it in the final four. Syracuse beat Virginia and North Carolina beat Notre Dame. I don’t know who the champions will be but North Carolina looks awesome. And so does Oklahoma. From what I have seen either team can be a winner because they all look good however I am leaning toward North Carolina...