Well, isn’t it about time?

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Britons Most Obese In Europe
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The only group that has been legally abandoned when it comes to discrimination is finally getting a nugget tossed their way.

Now I could make many jokes about tossing nuggets at fat people, but that is what the problem is in Alabama. Of course, it’s not just Alabama that has this discrimination issue.


America has a discrimination issue against fat people.

It always amazes me when someone is ugly or rude to an overweight person because I am quite certain that the person being assaulted is well aware of how they look in a mirror.

It’s amazing to me when people make statements like “it’s a matter of discipline and all you have to do is stop eating so much. “

Well, it’s way bigger than those ignorant sentiments. I did it again. I use the word bigger. It really is bigger than that.

There could be 1000 reasons why an individual is overweight recently my doctors diagnosed me with an extremely underactive thyroid. Something I used to make jokes about myself, has really happened in my life.

My doctor said it is so bad that without strong medication it wouldn’t matter what diet I tried because it would be almost impossible to lose weight.

Alabama Lawmakers Vote To Ban Abortion Within State
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Now Alabama lawmakers have signed House Bill number 20 and in February 2025 could make it unlawful for anyone to deny full and equal enjoyment of public accommodations or for an employer to discriminate against an applicant or employee because of the individual's weight or body size.

Finally, a group that is so often overlooked is being added to the list of groups that you cannot discriminate against based on how much they weigh.

This should’ve happened years ago and I hope it happens in every state in the USA.

I know it’s a controversial bill, but I would love for everyone to have the chance to weigh in with their opinions.

Oops, I did it again.

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