In recent months, it seems that online fundraising accounts have been created for numerous purposes.  According to the site, its most common categories for those seeking funds are medical, volunteer, emergencies, education, memorials, and sports.

Some would argue that certain requests are simply a matter of personal responsibility while others are understandably overwhelming and worthy of outside financial support. For instance, a parent who starts an account to help with fees associated with his child's extracurricular activities could be criticized in that an extracurricular activity is not a necessity, but the critic could deem it important to add to the fund for a person with excessive medical bills.

Here's one thing I do know: it doesn't hurt to ask. In fact, sometimes people are more than willing to help if they know there's a need, but we allow our pride to keep us from asking for aid. So, I commend those that have to push beyond the boundaries of pride to solicit support. They are completely different from beggars, those who don't want to do anything for themselves but want everything done for them.

So, what do you think?  Are online fundraising accounts a good way for those in need to obtain funds or are they being overshadowed by greedy people with unnecessary requests?

(I took the liberty of doing a search for gofundme accounts near Tuscaloosa. Find them here.)



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